About this Application

The Mayo Clinic Patient Care Manager (PCM) was created as part of a final project for my Introduction to Database Management Systems (CS 364) class at the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse. The course taught me how to use Structured Query Language (SQL) to create robust databases that store information efficiently.

This project is a simple web application that is connected to a SQL database on the backend, which contains hospital-related data. The four main entity types, that are displayed within the "View" page of the website, include Patient, Treatment, Provider, and Department. Users can view each entry for each entity type. Data can also be created, edited, and removed through the interface on this web application.

An important view of the data is the "Statistics" view, which utilizes complex queries. The information listed out on this page is gathered through the use of the complex queries and includes urgent patient cases, medical staff stats, and other calculated data.

Currently, there are no security features implemented. Future implementations of the project may include proper security components that ensure only authorized users are viewing and changing the hospital data in the database. However, at present, the data displayed in this web application is all dummy data. The main purpose at the moment is to allow users to examine the database through the interface. For more details on the project, see the attached PDF document below.